Sunday 30 June 2024

Medium articles and getting on with life


Life is often easier in theory.

There were grand plans to write regularly in this blog. I was going to muse about life. Insights were going to overflow.

And then life happened. Nothing messy, per se. Just your standard day-in, week-out grind of life.

So things haven't quite gone to plan over the last six months.

But I'm back. At least for now.

One thing I have been doing is developing my writing on Medium. It's not exploding. But it is gradually gaining traction.

So I'll share some of my most recent pieces that can hopefully help you in your life, career and personal finances. 

And stay tuned for the launch of my newsletter. If life doesn't get too in the way...

In the meantime:

Job Hunting? Let ChatGPT and AI Give You a Hand 

Get Real About Your Employer. If You Want Loyalty, Get a Dog

A New Phrase That Showed How Detached I've Become

And an important one in this challenging economic environment:

Why You Must Spend Your Vouchers and Giftcards - Now


Friday 15 December 2023

Medium: Inspiration is the name of the game

It's been a while since I posted my Medium pieces. So as we end out the year, it's time to revisit some of the writing. And the theme is: Inspiration

Here are three recent ones:

One about trying to inspire my godson.

One that talks about the highs and very lows I experienced during the pandemic.

And then there are words of inspiration from the late great Charlie Munger.

Saturday 15 April 2023

Quality Writing on Medium: Devouring the Brilliance of Others


I thought this time around I'd share a few articles from Medium that I found inspirational for different reasons.

One came from a woman that hadn't been on the platform that long but was clearly doing something right:

Celebrating One Year and $16,000 on Medium: How I Did It, What I Learned, and What’s Next

One came from a runner that puts the Boston Marathon into perspective:

I Won the 1968 Boston Marathon. And Ran Many More. After the Bombs, Everything Changed

And one was about life in general:

How to Stop Giving a Fuck

There's a ton of great stuff on Medium, and it's always worth investing time in reading about others' experiences and their insights. 

If you'd like to write on Medium, one of the best ways to build a following is to become a member. This gives you unlimited access to high-quality writers and tips on how to monetize. 

 You can join through this membership link: 

The same link also lets you unlock thousands of excellent articles. Click here for more details.

Also, take a look at this Etsy shop for career/ money/personal development inspiration:

Thursday 16 February 2023

Medium: Making Money, Losing Money, and ChatGPT

So my Medium journey continues. 

This time I'm going to highlight a couple of pieces about money and one about the hot topic of the moment, artificial intelligence:

How I Lost $25,000 Through Two Bad Investments

Fancy Paying $3.2m For a Personalized License Plate?

ChatGPT, ChatGPT, ChatGPT...Boring, Boring, Boring

And a bonus feature from another writer - some really good insights in how to run a side hustle:

How I Made $3,063 on the Internet in 31 Days (Part-Time)

If you'd like to write on Medium, one of the best ways to build a following is to become a member. This gives you unlimited access to high-quality writers and tips on how to monetize. 

You can join through this membership link: 

The same link also lets you unlock thousands of excellent articles. Click here for more details.

Tuesday 3 January 2023

Medium: Ever Thought About Freelance Writing as a Side Hustle?

As we prepare ourselves to enter into a recession, we should all consider ways in which to improve our financial situation. Freelance writing is one area to consider.

Medium is a great platform if you've ever thought about trying out freelance writing. At the very least, you can get good practice with plenty of eyeballs on your work

Here are two pieces that talk about freelance writing in general:

If you'd like to write on Medium, one of the best ways to build a following would be to become a member. This gives you unlimited access to high-quality writers and tips on how to monetize. 

You can join through this membership link: 

The same link also lets you unlock thousands of excellent articles. Click here for more details.

As a taster of what's on offer, below is a recent Medium article by none other than Barack Obama:


Saturday 3 December 2022

Medium articles: This Could Be My Last Christmas and How to Pay For Christmas

Well, it's getting closer to Christmas, so I thought I'd post a copy of Medium pieces associated with the season:

This Could Be My Last Christmas

How to Pay For Christmas

On a separate topic, here's a nice piece on the importance of fitness as you get older:

Becoming Athletic In My 50s

If you'd like to read more on Medium, you can unlock thousands of excellent stories by becoming a member.

Click here.


Thursday 3 November 2022

Medium: Winning the Lottery and Slashing Your Food Bills

My Medium journey continues. 

Here's a fun article based on a recent news story:

I Won the Lottery - Just Don't Tell My Wife

And here's one that's probably more relevant in the current climate:

33 Ways to Slash Your Food Bills

Also writing in the last month on Medium was Ryan Holiday, the great writer about stoicism:

The 16 Greatest Lessons From 16 Years With Marcus Aurelius

 And if you'd like to read more on Medium, you can unlock thousands of excellent stories by becoming a member

Click here.


Wednesday 28 September 2022

Medium articles - Weight Loss, Wealth and Followers

My Medium journey continues. 

The momentum has been pretty good in terms of picking up followers, reading time, and earning a few pennies along the way:

Here are a few articles:

How I lost 10lbs in 10 days

Who Wants to be a Millionaire

500 Followers - What I Learned To Get There

Also writing in the last month on Medium was Barack Obama, who writes about stories that need to be told. Check it out - very insightful:

Here's Why I'm Celebrating Banned Books Week

And if you'd like to read more on Medium, you can unlock thousands of excellent stories by becoming a member

Click here.
