Saturday, 30 March 2019

Income Report: March

Ok, it wasn't a great month. In fact, it was as bad as I've had in terms of income streams.

In a nutshell:

Resume writing: Zero

Other writing: Zero

Coaching: Zero

Dividends: Zero

Other income: Zero

A bit of a pattern, right? I had opportunities. I turned down a bit of resume writing. I also had writing offers through PeoplePerHour. I just wasn't in the mood over the month to trade time for money. The goal is to build up passive income streams, not to be beholden to another kind of employer.

The one thing I did manage to do is get my website up and running. I'm looking forward to taking the long road to monetizing Finance Job Hunter. It builds upon my side hustle experience and my career area.

Exciting times ahead.

But for now, I'm just going to write off March as a month of rest and reset. But I must get back to business in April.

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