Saturday, 1 August 2020

Income report: July

Well, my existential crisis continues with my side hustles.

I'm still struggling to motivate myself. But to be fair I did take a step back this month to try to understand what I'm looking to achieve. I did a Coursera course called 'Mindshift'. Essentially, it was about shifting your perspective on learning in relation to your career and life. In other words, it's time to really get on top of upskilling and refocusing.

So it's still a state of pause. That's life. Hopefully, I'll have more to add next month.

Anyway, time for the roundup:

Resume Writing: $0. So not on my radar right now....

Additional Writing: $230.  My regular writing gig is ticking over.

Stock Dividends: $83. Quite quiet.

Interest: $15. This is piddling away in the background.

Ebooks: $2. Still quiet. Still undermarketed. Still an asset that's paying (Beginner's Guide to Online Side HustlesCryptocurrency Job Hunting for Non-TechiesThe Simple Guide to a Winning LinkedIn Profile, and Craft a Winning Resume).

Coaching: $0. No sessions.

Other: $0. Nothing to add.

Total: $330. That's life. Onwards and upwards.

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