Monday, 11 July 2022

Do you have the courage to be rubbish?

I've been thinking a lot about my goals - "financial freedom" and "personal freedom". Financial freedom is relatively straightforward, in that it's about having enough money to be able to be, do, have whatever life throws in my direction. At least, I think that's my thinking anyway.

Personal freedom is more nuanced. I'm not even sure where I fell upon the concept or what I was actually shooting for when it resonated with me. But the more I think about it, the more I've found a new grounding with it.

Essentially, for me, it's about managing the ego. I'll never get rid of it. None of us can. But it's about reducing the amount by which I identify with it and its trappings. It's about being able to take a few risks. It's about allowing myself to make mistakes. It's about failing and then laughing at myself when I look at myself in the mirror afterward. It's about throwing off judgment when things go wrong. It's about chilling when I hear the praise when things go right. It's about embracing the idea that I'm a small grain of sand in the bigger scheme of everything. 

Does it conflict with financial freedom? I don't think so. The nothing wrong with having earthly desires and a financially liberating environment. Personal freedom is about the internal story which needs to align with the external realities of financial freedom. 

So I'm looking for congruence in my being and alignment with my values for the internal and external. It's about accepting what it's like to be human. It's about having the courage to not get bogged down by ego. It's about allowing yourself to look stupid. It's about having the courage to be rubbish.

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